MusicWorks Products

MusicWorks products evolved out of our desire to create musically communicative Hi Fi systems. To enable the best (not the most expensive!) products to work together in the customer’s home. Occasionally these products are submitted for review by MusicWorks (UK) Ltd, the parent, and our sister company.

All MusicWorks products are designed to work in low noise, wide bandwidth, coherent systems. And allow them to produce stunning musical performance. No other range of products that we know do what MW products can do.

More and more often customers were calling MusicWorks confused about the range of products available, not offered for demonstration or sale by a MusicWorks dealer. The relationship between dealers and products they (we) sell inevitably gets complex, and it became clear that we needed to offer customers direct access to MusicWorks products. To this end, we offer to send products to customers for evaluation, offer guidance, and sell what works for our customers.

By clicking below you can find out more about the products we stock. Some are available to order on line, others you will need to contact the store to discuss your requirements. All the products listed are normally available to hear on demonstration.

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